*Note: Journals links are maintained on this separate page.
Shakespeare Studies | Early Modern | Medieval | Non-English | Author-Focused | Specialized | General Literary | Open-Access | MLA & Regional Organizations
*Preliminary Note: Most or all of these journals still accept article submissions. Most of their articles are also available only behind a paywall or through college or other institutional access. The JSTOR and Project MUSE databases offer access to thousands of journals, so if your school has subscriptions to these databases, you will most likely be able to access them. JSTOR also offers subscriptions to individual users, so that may be an option for independent scholars. Bear in mind that JSTOR generally offers journal issues dating back several years, so they may not have the latest “hot-off-the-press” materials.
- Journals Solely or Mainly about Shakespeare Studies
- Borrowers and Lenders: … Shakespeare and Appropriation (ACMRS)
- Journal of the Wooden O (Southern Utah UP)
- Multicultural Shakespeare (Lodz UP)
- Shakespeare (Taylor & Francis/British Shakespeare Association)
- Shakespeare Bulletin (Johns Hopkins UP)
- Shakespeare in Southern Africa (African Journals Online)
- Shakespeare Jahrbuch (Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft)
- Shakespeare Newsletter (Iona U)
- Shakespeare Quarterly (Folger)
- Shakespeare Studies (Boston U)
- Shakespeare Survey (Cambridge UP)
- Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Assn.
- The Oxfordian (Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship)
- The Shakespearean International Yearbook – Series (Routledge)
- The Upstart Crow (Clemson U Digital Press)
- Early Modern British, European & International Journals (English)
- Cahiers Élisabéthains (Sage Pub.; U. Paul-Valéry Montpellier)
- Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (UCLA)
- Comparative Drama (W. Michigan U)
- Early Modern Culture (Clemson UP)
- Early Modern Literary Studies: EMLS (Sheffield Hallam U)
- Early Modern Studies Journal (U Texas Arlington)
- English Literary Renaissance: ELR (U Chicago P)
- Exemplaria: Medieval, Early Modern, Theory (Taylor & Francis)
- Explorations in Renaissance Culture (Brill Academic Pubs.)
- Early Modern Literature in Transition (Cambridge UP)
- Huntington Library Quarterly (Huntington)
- JEMS: Journal of Early Modern Studies (Firenze UP/U Florence)
- Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies (U-Penn Press)
- Journal of Classic and English Renaissance Literature (Seoul, S. Korea)
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Duke UP)
- Journal of the Northern Renaissance (Scottish Inst. NRS)
- Medievalia et Humanistica: … Medieval and Renaissance Culture (Rowman & L)
- Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England (Colgate U)
- Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Assoc…. (Parergon)
- Quidditas: Journal of the Rocky Mtn. … Renaissance Assoc. (Brig. Young U)
- Renaissance Drama (U Chicago P)
- Renaissance Quarterly (Cambridge UP)
- Renaissance Studies (Wiley)
- ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama (W. Michigan U)
- The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats (U-Penn Press)
- Seventeenth-Century News (Texas A&M)
- The Seventeenth Century (Taylor & Francis)
- Sixteenth-Century Journal: … Early Modern Studies (U Chicago P)
- Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies (UCLA)
- Medieval Journals (Overlap with Early Modern)
- Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (UCLA)
- Exemplaria: Medieval, Early Modern, Theory (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Duke UP)
- Mediaevalia: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Medieval Studies (SUNY P)
- Medievalia et Humanistica: … Medieval and Renaissance Culture (Rowman & L)
- Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England (Colgate U)
- Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Assoc…. (Parergon)
- ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama (W. Michigan U)
- Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies (U of Chicago Press)
- Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies (UCLA)
- Vivarium: … Philosophy and Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages … (Brill)
- Early Modern Journals Pub. in Language Other Than English
- Lemir: Revista Electrónica sobre Literatura Española … (U de València) Sp.
- Letteratura Cavalleresca Italiana (Fabrizio Serra Editore) It.
- Renaissance and Reformation (Canadian Society for Ren. Studies) Eng. & Fr.
- Rinascimento: Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento (Olschki) It.
- I Tatti Studies (U Chicago/Nagel, Villa I Tatti Harvard) Eng. & It.
- XVII-XVIII: Revue de la Société d’Études Anglo-Am. … (Société d’Études …) Fr.
- Author-Focused Journals (Other Than Shakespeare)
- Ben Jonson Journal (Edinburgh UP)
- Marvell Studies (Open Library/Marvell Society)
- Milton Quarterly (Wiley/Ed. Jones)
- Moreana (Edinburgh UP/Amici Thomae Mori)
- Sidney Journal (Internat. Sidney Society)
- Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual (U Chicago Press)
- Specialized Journals
- Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal (U Chicago P)
- Early Theatre (McMaster U Lib. Press / Becker Assoc.)
- Glasgow Emblem Studies (Centre for Emblem Studies)
- Journal of Literature and Science (U Glamorgan/RCLAS)
- Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research (Brepols/Vatican Film)
- Restoration: Studies in Lit. & Culture, 1660-1700 (U Maryland)
- Literary Journals Covering a Variety of Periods and Topics
- Critical Survey – Includes Early Modern (Berghann Journals)
- Culture, Theory & Critique (Taylor & Francis/U Nottingham)
- ELH: English Literary History (ELH/Johns Hopkins UP)
- MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly (Duke UP)
- Modern Philology: Critical and Historical Studies in Lit. … (U Chicago P)
- PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Assoc. (Cambridge UP/MLA)
- SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 (Johns Hopkins UP)
- Sewanee Review (U of the South)
- Studies in Philology (U North Carolina P)
- Open-Access Journals: No Subscription Required to Access Materials
- DOAJ: Directory of Open-Access Journals (DOAJ)
- JEMS: Journal of Early Modern Studies (Firenze UP/U Florence)
- Lemir: Revista Electrónica sobre Literatura Española … (U de València)
- OpenEdition Journals (OpenEdition)
- Renaissance and Reformation (Canadian Society for Ren. Studies) (1 yr+ open)
- Modern Language Association (MLA) Main Journal
- Check submission guidelines for MLA and Regionals: most require paid membership at time of submission or publication.
- MLA Directory of Periodicals (Members only)
- PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Assoc. (Cambridge UP/MLA)
- Modern Language Association (MLA) Regional Journals
- JMMLA: Journal of the Midwest MLA (MMLA)
- Northeast Modern Lang. Association (NEMLA)
- Pacific Coast Philology (PAMLA)
- Rocky Mountain Review (RMMLA)
- SAR: South Atlantic Review (SAMLA)
- South Central Review (SCMLA)
- Links checked automatically every 48 hours
- Use Ctrl + F to search within page.
- Document Timestamp: 1/21/2025 at 3:56 PM