Shakespeare’s Romance Plays

Shakespeare's Romance Plays

Cymbeline, King of Britain

Shakespeare, William. Cymbeline, King of Britain. (The Norton Shakespeare: Romances and Poems, 3rd ed. 207-301). Of Interest: RSC Resources | ISE Resources | S-O Sources | Holinshed’s “Kymbeline” | Boccaccio’s Decameron

Shakespeare's Romance Plays

The Tempest

Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. (The Norton Shakespeare: Romances and Poems, 3rd ed. 397-448). Of Interest: RSC Resources | ISE Resources | S-O Sources | Strachey’s 1610 “True

Shakespeare's Romance Plays

The Winter’s Tale

Shakespeare, William. The Winter’s Tale. (The Norton Shakespeare: Romances and Poems, 3rd ed. 315-86). Of Interest: RSC Resources | ISE Resources | S-O Sources | Greene’s Pandosto, the Triumph of Time | Pandosto,

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